Renee's Garden

Renee's Garden 5946 Herb Seed Pack, Spearmint, Mentha Spicata, March to June Planting, Fall, Spring, Summer Harvest

  • Model Number: 5946
  • UPC: 646143059460
  • Store SKU: loading
  • Renee's Garden 5946 Herb Seed Pack, Spearmint, Mentha Spicata, March to June Planting, Fall, Spring, Summer Harvest

    • Availability:
      • Supplier SKU: loading
      • Web SKU: 102420922
    Renee's Garden 5946

    Sweetest of all the mints, true spearmint produces scented bright green, serrated leaves all season. Freshly harvested spearmint has a delicious aromatic perfume that accents, but doesn't overpower, many kinds of salads and cooked dishes. Enjoy the leaves whole, chopped, dried, frozen, preserved in salt, sugar, alcohol or sweet oil. Fresh spearmint tea is a delight and making your own mint Juleps is a gardener's treat. Grow only in containers, because mint spreads very quickly in the ground.